Thursday, March 31, 2011

Traveling Light - Day 2

So, the other day I told you about a really great book by Max Lucado.  I also told you that his book inspired me to make some changes, which I've been doing.  The changes were actually pretty simple, but with profound effects.

What I did was lay some really heavy baggage at the foot of the Cross of Calvary.  Of course I did so metaphorically, but if it helps you to do the same, let me tell you exactly how I did it.

First, I closed my eyes and opened a prayer - sort of like you'd click the "Compose" button on your email program.  I addressed Heavenly Father and asked for His help and strength to give up some particularly unwieldy burdens: Guilt. Shame. Lust. Fear. My current living situation which was completely up in the air.  My health - intense back pain, diabetes, skin cancer.

Then, with my eyes still shut, I put the picture in my mind of me lugging all this luggage to the foot of the Cross where Jesus was cruelly crucified.  I left it there, took a last look, and walked away.

An important part of that prayer I had opened to compose was asking specifically for strength and wisdom to leave it all there at Christ's feet.  I told Father that I know what happens when I try to do things my way and worry about stuff.  What happens is like when a kitten gets ahold of a skein of yarn.  It just gets all messed up, and quickly so.  I told Him that when I leave things alone and trust - really trust - things work out so much better.

So, here are some of the results of leaving my baggage at the Cross.

I was able to get in to see my family physician who referred me to an increasingly frustrating pain clinic two years ago.  Despite my family doc's reluctance to treat my pain back then, she is happy to do so now.  The pain clinic didn't seem to understand my propensity to become addicted to narcotics.  My family doctor does.  She cares.  She even told me she was happy to see me again and had missed treating me.

How much better can it be with someone you trust your life to?

Something else has happened, and rapidly.  

If you've been following my posts on Facebook, you may know that I've been really worried about where to live.  I can't stay with dad long-term, and unless he needed round the clock help, I wouldn't want to.  I have little money to spare, and all I couldn't tell anyone who asked where I was going next.

You can imagine this worry was one that was really difficult to leave at the Cross and not take back.  I was tempted to pick it back up, turn it over in my hands, and try to find the solution.  I've never been good at solving Rubik's Cubes, and certainly not housing situations with no money.

Well, yesterday, my niece made an incredible offer.  She wants me to take the spare bedroom in a place they move into on April 8.  I won't even need to pay rent right away!

I am incredibly grateful to a loving, caring and benevolent Father in Heaven who truly watches over me and takes care of me in every needful thing.  I'm also very grateful that He has replaced my doubt, fear and anxiety with the Peace that comes only through the love and grace of Christ Jesus.

Try laying down your burdens.  You will surely find His help just when you need it.

Just like I am finding.

Thanks for reading!

Brother H.


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