Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Lord Found Me Again
They found me again. But this time it was a different companionship. And I had a different attitude. Maybe I was prepared.
It's been snowing here this morning. Usually I go out the side door to smoke, but there's no shelter from the weather there. So, I was standing on the front landing watching the usually-beautiful but this late in spring annoying snow, when two figures appeared and came down the stairs. I thought (and actually said it out loud), "Uh oh. Here they come again!"
But this time I was smiling when I said it. I really was glad to see them.
We chatted for a few minutes. I found out one elder is from Washington State and the other is from Florida. Both of them also hope for warmer weather soon.
I put out my cigarette and one of the elders asked if I wanted to quit. Before I could stop myself, I said, "Desperately!"
He said the mission has a stop smoking program and they would be happy to come by another time to help me - to teach it to me.
I named a day and a time when I figured my roomies wouldn't be here and invited them back.
And, yes, I would have invited them inside, but they were here to see someone in the apartment across from me.
Seems the Lord is trying to get my attention. He has it. Time to move forward. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, right? I am taking baby steps. For the past few days I have begun and ended my day both with prayer and reading from the Book of Mormon. I wish I could tell you how good that feels. The Spirit has been with me more and more.
I've missed Him.
Have a beautiful Tuesday - even if it is snowing where you are.
Brother H.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
But Behold, I mistake
This morning, I felt like a jerk. I acted like Amukek when he told the people of Ammonihah:
"I never have known much of the ways of the Lord, and his mysteries and marvelous power. I said I never had known much of these things; but behold, I mistake, for I have seen much of his mysteries and his marvelous power; yea, even in the preservation of the lives of this people.
"Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know; therefore I went on rebelling against God, in the wickedness of my heart..." (Alma 10:5-6)
Early this morning, there was a knock at our door. I was the only one awake and I called through the door asking who was there. "The missionaries", they called out. I opened the door and let them in. I asked them to talk quietly because there were others sleeping in the apartment.
Now, you know me, right? I love missionaries. It was missionaries who saved me in so many ways. I admire them for giving up so much time and travel to wherever they may be called - and at their own expense - to teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
But that isn't how I acted this morning.
Yes, I let them in. Yes, I gave them water because they had been riding their bikes and were thirsty. But I have to admit, I worried about what my roommates would think if they knew I had let the elders into the apartment. They are both non-LDS and, well, they sort of make fun of my faith at times. I can handle that. That's what happens when you live "in the world". I knew that when I moved in with them.
The elders asked some pretty pointed questions - and I believe they were following the Spirit when they did so. I, however, was listening to another spirit altogether. I was taking counsel from my fears, worrying that my roommates would wake up and walk in on us.
Now, what's wrong with that picture?
I'll get to that in a minute.
The elders kindly asked what it would take to get me to go back to church. I told them I have no plans whatsoever to go back. They asked if I would go just once, long enough to take the sacrament. I told them no.
But the whole time they were here, asking these divinely inspired, heart-piercing questions, and the whole time I was doing all I could to shut them down and wishing they would leave, I was dying inside. I wanted to open up. I wanted to tell them what was really in my heart. I wanted to bear testimony to them that I knew that what they had spoken was exactly right on; that I still know and believe in the restored gospel. I wanted to share with them my own conversion story and how very much I rely on Jesus Christ, even now (or especially now) that I'm inactive.
But I didn't.
I let them do almost all the talking. I let my fear of what my roommates would think dictate my words and actions. I let myself down and I let God down. I feared man (roommates) more than I feared the Lord and His authorized representatives that He sent to me.
Before they left, they asked if there was anything they could do for me. I asked them to pray for me when they got home. They then asked if they could have a prayer. Yes, right here in the apartment. I am happy to say I was happy to have them pray.
After they left, I felt awful. I went outside and thought about the whole experience. I silently prayed, asking God to forgive me. It was only then that I felt someone speaking to my spirit.
"This is your home, too. If you want to have the missionaries come in, you have that right".
How true.
Hopefully the next time the missionaries come knocking, I will be a little more courageous and at least let them sit down to drink their water.
May you have a blessed and Happy Easter and remember that now as with Christmas, Jesus is the reason for the season.
Brother H.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Consistent Gratitude
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Photo ©2011 James Hofheins. All Rights Reserved. For information: artbyjameshofheins@gmail.com |
It's been some time since I've posted. I apologize for the wait.
I have a cousin who lives in Nevada and every morning she sends me and others a text message outlining five things she is grateful for that day. When I read her message this morning, a very strong impression came to me.
The importance of daily gratitude.
My cousin has it right. She not only feels grateful, she acknowledges it and shares it with others. How many mornings do I wake up and, at least mentally, grumble about my pain, my problems and what I don't have? I have so much to be grateful for!
For the most part, I have good health. I have friends who support me, who appreciate me and who go out of their way to let me know. I have family who love me, regardless of my sins and mistakes. I have a roof over my head. I have food both in my cupboards and in my belly. And most of all, I have a God who is merciful, wise, kind and benevolent.
How can I not be grateful?
I will now endeavor to show my gratitude to Him and to others on a more consistent basis. I won't be perfect at it, but I am, after all, only human.
Thank you for reading today's blog post. I am grateful for you.
Brother H.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Blessings Continue
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Photo ©2011, James Hofheins. All Rights Reserved |
Today has been a very busy day. Now, what I'm about to say, I want you to know I say without boasting. I cannot boast of tender mercies the Lord provides me. As King Benjamin said in the famous "seminary scripture", Mosiah 2:17, "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."
Being in the service of the Master is an honor, and He has provided me some opportunities to serve today.
As you may know, I was privileged to be a part of the "Find Susan" social media blitz just over a year ago. I was part of a well-organized team of folks (the friends and family of Susan Cox Powell) who put together and executed a plan to get the word out about her disappearance. We still have not found her, but we have not given up, either.
This afternoon, I received an email from someone who is involved in finding another missing person. Because I don't have authority to publicly talk about it, I can't identify the case right now, but she asked for advice on how to do a social media blitz to help find the missing person. That she asked me for advice and help is truly an honor.
I was really surprised when she asked how much I charge for doing so. I had not thought about and would not think about charging to help an agonizing family find their loved one.
I don't know where they go from here, but I hope the information I was able to provide is helpful, and of course, I am willing to continue to help.
I have also been involved in helping a start-up with some brand management through social media. This has also kept me pretty busy today. I'm really grateful that the Lord allows me to share what I can to help others with anything I may know something about. And who knows? Perhaps it will turn into something full time where I can help a paying company or cause in the future?
Finally, and I hesitate to mention this because it could appear as boasting, I was honored to help a long-distance friend, and in the process, help myself. She recently lost a dear friend of hers and wanted to talk about it. I think she helped me more, however, because the death of her friend and the death of my brother Mark five years ago, had some uncanny similarities. In talking to her about my brother's death, it lifted me somehow. It brought back some really good memories of Mark. It left me feeling lighter and closer to both my friend and my brother. I hope that anything I told her has helped lift her burden.
I know it lifted mine.
Brother H.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Good Blessings!
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Photo ©2011, James Hofheins. All Rights Reserved |
Good blessings. This is a phrase used often in my family, especially among siblings. I first heard it from my sister-in-law (who I really consider a sister without hyphens). She told me that she says "good blessings" instead of "good luck" in matters spiritual and religious, because when you think about it, luck has little to do with our heaven-guided lives.
I have been the recipient of many good blessings of late. You've heard the phrase, "my cup runneth over"? My cup has been running over so much lately that not even the Bounty paper towel guy would be up to the task of cleaning my table.
At the end of this week, I will have a place to live. My niece and her girlfriend are taking me in and I will have a bedroom of my own. Sure different than sleeping on a couch or the floor with couch cushions for, well, cushioning.
Also, I learned this weekend that some of my black and white photos from Missouri may be featured in a local art magazine. It's a start-up, so I feel doubly blessed that they would consider me for an early issue. They also want to do a piece on me and my thinking behind the photos I took. Wow. I didn't see this one coming, and I am so, so grateful even to be considered. For more information, you can email artbyjameshofheins@gmail.com
Finally, I ran into an old friend who used to boss me around. No, that's not right. She used to be my boss, and a kind one at that. We've been talking, renewing our friendship. It sure feels good to be remembered in a positive way from a decade ago.
On a side-note, yesterday (Sunday) wrapped up General Conference. What a strong spirit there was! I love hearing the words of God through His prophets, apostles and other inspired leaders. Most notably, I am grateful for the continued, constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Even when I mess up.
I certainly don't deserve these very tender mercies. But that's what mercy is all about, isn't it? We don't deserve it.
But we sure count on it.
I hope you have a wonderful Monday. Good blessings.
Brother H.
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