When I was a teenager, there was a traveling LDS show called Saturday's Warrior. I realize not everyone liked it and now I suspect fewer have heard of it.
But I both loved it and still remember the messages.
One in particular was a song sung by the character Jimmy Flinders - "Who Am I?"
This question has dogged me for years until in 2003 I began finding answers at, of all places, Historic Temple Square in Salt Lake City. The sister missionaries kindly challenged me to find out for myself. I read and re-read the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ. I allowed the sisters to continue challenging me. I allowed the Spirit into my life and He changed my life.
But something's happened. A lot of somethings, really. I have fallen away. I have become inactive. I sit here sipping my coffee, taking a few minutes here and there to step out for a smoke.
It is these (and other) sins and transgressions that make me want to stay anonymous in this blog. I want to be upfront and honest with you. I shall not confess my sins to you. As should be, they are between me and the Lord, and if egregious enough, then they are between me, the Lord and my priesthood authority. I also hope that my honesty gives you a measure of hope and a knowledge that you are not alone in your struggles to be good and righteous and acceptable to the Lord and His Church. Whatever you do - do not give up on you or on the Lord.
I hope you'll follow me along (and comment when you feel like it) as I try to discover what happened and how I can return, for I will return. Know this, brother and sister, you are loved by God, regardless of your current level of faith and faithfulness. He knows you and He loves you regardless of how you feel about Him or about yourself.
I don't know how often I will post, but I hope enough to give you hope, but not so much to bore or overwhelm you.
Brother H.
Aww James my heart aches for you. I have been in the place you are at now and it takes a lot of mental strength to keep going. You are in my prayers James, if you haven't given up on your or the Lord by now then I'd say you're doing better than you think you are!! ;)