Monday, February 21, 2011

Funky Town

As much as I like the song, "Funky Town", the title to this post is misleading.  For the past week or so, I have been in a deep, deep funk.

Funk as in depression.

I've pretty well limited contact with everyone I love, knowing that's the worst thing I can do, but I can't seem to help myself.

Down, down, down.

I could use some prayers.  Healing for me and for my family and our relationships.

Brother H.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brother H,

    My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you. As one who suffers from bipolar disorder, I understand depression and the odd lens it places over your that you only see the world in a distorted way. Unfortunately this distortion causes us to have horrible self-talk. I pray that the voices that speak to you from the outside, find their way to your inside voices. So many of us know what a wonderful human being you are. You need to hear that in your own mind too.

    Take care my dear friend,
