Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lovers of their own selves...

(2 Timothy 3:2)

When did my current selfish phase begin?  When did I start perceiving the world as an orb that rotates around me?  At what point did I begin seeing others as unimportant bit players and extras in my movie, with me in the starring role?

I guess I've been so caught up in this selfish phase that I didn't even notice it until today.  I could say I don't know where the thought came from, but I really do.  Inspiration.  Revelation.  The still, small voice whispering to me, letting me know something was wrong, and that something was that for several weeks, I have been thinking and acting like it was all about me, me, me.

Firstly, if you're one of the people who I've treated badly recently (or really at any point in our relationship), let me apologize profusely.  There is no excuse for bad behavior, and I certainly won't try to make one.  I am sorry.

Secondly, a good friend of mine, LW, helped me find the missing piece to this puzzle of me vs. the world.  I had asked her how it was she was able to be so strong, and I told her I needed a hobby - something to keep me from straying into boredom which almost always leads me into trouble.  Her reply was simple, but it was what I needed.

"Read the scriptures"

So, beginning today, I am going back to reading at least one chapter of the Book of Mormon.  Regardless of how I might try to excuse myself from this daily goal, I'm going to do it.  I need the spiritual strength and sustenance that comes from this daily practice.  I was going to say "daily routine", but I have never had a routine experience with this grand book that I love so much, and I don't plan to.  Ever.

If you'd like to help hold me accountable, I would welcome it.  I will be posting on Facebook every day when I've completed my reading.  I may simply post the book and chapter I've just read, but I may also post some insights or questions for my Facebook friends.

If you and I are not yet connected on Facebook, feel free to request.  My profile can be found here.

Maybe by getting back to daily reading, I can find the answer to the question of this post.

When did it become all about me?

Brother H.

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