Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Lord Found Me Again

They found me again.  But this time it was a different companionship.  And I had a different attitude.  Maybe I was prepared.

It's been snowing here this morning.  Usually I go out the side door to smoke, but there's no shelter from the weather there.  So, I was standing on the front landing watching the usually-beautiful but this late in spring annoying snow, when two figures appeared and came down the stairs.  I thought (and actually said it out loud), "Uh oh. Here they come again!"

But this time I was smiling when I said it.  I really was glad to see them.

We chatted for a few minutes.  I found out one elder is from Washington State and the other is from Florida.  Both of them also hope for warmer weather soon.

I put out my cigarette and one of the elders asked if I wanted to quit.  Before I could stop myself, I said, "Desperately!"

He said the mission has a stop smoking program and they would be happy to come by another time to help me - to teach it to me.

I named a day and a time when I figured my roomies wouldn't be here and invited them back.

And, yes, I would have invited them inside, but they were here to see someone in the apartment across from me.

Seems the Lord is trying to get my attention.  He has it.  Time to move forward.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, right?  I am taking baby steps.  For the past few days I have begun and ended my day both with prayer and reading from the Book of Mormon.  I wish I could tell you how good that feels. The Spirit has been with me more and more.

I've missed Him.

Have a beautiful Tuesday - even if it is snowing where you are.

Brother H.


  1. Good luck in your journey. You are in my prayers.

  2. It is amazing how Heavenly Father will always forgive us. He knew you were sincere in your prayer asking for forgiveness in how the conversation went with with the previous Elders just days before. He sent those servants of God to you.
    He knows you want to quit, and we both know that it will be very hard. My husband went through the same things in the beginning of our courtship. He has made it almost 17 years without smoking or drinking, so I know you can do it. Lean on your friends and family (including your ward family). He will help you! He loves you! Good luck :) I have faith in you!
